My favorite guy is back with another awesome post for us! In case you missed Dan’s first two posts, you can find them here and here. A little intro: Dan is an epidemiologist, strength & conditioning coach, just became an instructor at the National Personal Trainer Institute teaching future personal trainers the ins and outs of the job, loves burritos and loves puppies-a muscle man with a soft side 😉 . He also just started a blog himself which you can find here. He’s also super smart so I always love when he writes for my blog.
Today Dan has a little ab challenge for you. Dan’s gonna handle the exercise side and later this week I’ll tackle the nutrition piece so you’ll have all the tips you need to shape those abs before summer is over!
Take it away, Dan!
If you want to see your abs on the beach this summer I’ve got a KILLER ab challenge for you: Do a plank every day starting at just 10 seconds then and add 10 more seconds each day. Work through the end of the month so you’ll eventually work to a 310 second (5 min. and 10 sec.) plank!
Oh, you’ve heard of that one? Didn’t work, you say? Oh…
Well how about THIS ONE: 30 seconds on and 10 seconds off for 5 rounds: Crunches, bicycles, sit ups, leg lifts and planks. Do that every day for a month. That’s an ab challenge!
You’re kidding me? You did that one too? Huh… interesting…
I’m sure you’ve heard, seen and maybe have even tried countless “Ab Challenges” and read even more Cosmo and Health magazine articles titled “5 EASY tips for HOT abs this summer.”
Yeah dude…same here. It’s way too easy to get hooked by those titles. It’s even easier to be deceived by how easy they make it sound. In reality a 5 minute plank is an absolute nightmare, but they make you think if you work harder, not smarter, then you’ll reach your goals and get your sexy six pack just in time for summer.
Well, I’m all in favor of working hard but I’m also in favor of working smart.
I’m starting the second round of my super exclusive, high level 8-week fat loss program on Tuesday, July 5. This time around it’s an 8-week Summer Shape Up with a focus on fat loss.
Here’s what you get:
•24/7 email and text access to me
•Bi-weekly phone calls (30 min max)
•Access to a private Facebook group
•Accountability and motivational support
•A customized fat loss plan with changes made as needed
•Weekly kick ass home/gym workouts that are 20 minutes or less
Yes, the Summer Shape Up is about fat loss but you’ll get so much more. You’ll learn to get control back over forbidden foods, your cravings will decrease, you’ll lose weight, you’ll become more confident, you’ll connect with other women who have the same goals you do, you’ll have super high access to me so I can answer any and all of your questions as soon as possible.
It’s really not possible to fail on this program if you follow it as it’s laid out. So what are you waiting for?
Just click here –> if you’re interested and get your name on the list! I’ll reach out to you asap with next steps. The wait list is only open until June 13! If it’s anything like the first round of my fat loss coaching program spots are gonna go fast!
I can’t wait!