Four Steps to SUCCESS

Before we get into today’s blog, lemme tell you about this awesome BONUS I’m offering to anyone who signs up for my 1:1 coaching program this week:

I have four 1:1 coaching spots available for July, and while I’m already offering 3 awesome bonuses at zero additional cost (a 75-minute kick-off call, 3 live virtual workouts each week, and a little welcome gift sent to your house!) I’m gonna throw one more thing into the mix.

When you sign up for 1:1 coaching this week, I’m going to give you the rest of July FOR FREE.

That means you get your 30-day Jumpstart Journal ASAP, two extra 1:1 calls & Monday through Friday text support tacked on to your program at not extra cost to you.

This bonus has a value of is a value of $375 and it’s going away after this week.

Now is the time to apply and get started.

Click here to apply.

Now let’s get into your 4 Steps to SUCCESS!

I had someone apply for a spot in my 1:1 coaching program (& yay! she’s a client now!) and she asked “what does this kind of coaching look like on a weekly basis?”

Basically she asked “what do I have to do and what are YOU going to do as my coach to make this worth my while?”

And it’s a great question.

So here’s the answer in case you’re wondering, too:

Every week you’ll do 4 things.

1. We have our weekly, 45-min, 1:1 phone call where we’ll:

— Create your plan for the week
— Check in on how the previous week went
— Talk about anything we want to change up
— Problem solve for any barriers you’ve come up against

2. Each day, you’ll fill out your 30-Day Fueled Up Jumpstart Journal where you’ll write down your food plan for the day, your goals for the day, then reflect back on the day once it’s done, so we can stay on the same page day in, day out.

3. You go out and execute the plan.

4. You’ll text me any time you need support, need to ask a question, or just want to tell me how things are going for you, and I’ll text you back with strategies or to say Hi back!

5. Repeat every week for 16 weeks.

We keep things SIMPLE. Because it’s not about overhauling your entire lifestyle.

That doesn’t work.

What works is:

ACCOUNTABILITY because trying to change your food habits is really, really hard to do alone.

SIMPLE HABITS CHANGES customized to you, that you can weave easily into your current lifestyle and not stress about.

And that’s it. That’s literally all you need to be successful.

How does that sound,.

Are you in, or what?

Click here and apply for a 1:1 coaching spot today.

The system is simple, the results are INCREDIBLE.

It’s your turn to transform.